Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Tour Options - Pier Fishing Fun!

When bringing a tour to the Myrtle Beach area, a very easy and fun filled activity is pier fishing. With 8 piers extending into the ocean from the Grand Strand beaches, there’s probably a pier close to where you’re staying. From Cherry Grove to Garden City they’re catching fish! Now, before you throw up your hands thinking that’s not for us, let’s break down a few obstacles.
“We do not know the first thing about saltwater fishing.” Every year hundreds of thousands visitors to the Myrtle Beach area include saltwater fishing in their vacation plans. For many it’s their first time. The pier masters and legions of local pier fishermen are more than willing to get you started. From baiting the hook to getting that monster catch off, you’ll have plenty of help.
“Bringing our fishing stuff with us is a real hassle.” Leave it at home. You do not want to use your own equipment anyway. You’ll need saltwater gear and every pier has rods and reels to rent, as well as bait available.
“We’re not from South Carolina, what about a fishing license?” It’s not needed when fishing from a private pier. It’s included in the cost of your fishing permit.
“We’ll have no place to keep the fish we catch.” Your optimism is justified. Area piers pride themselves on catching fish just about everyday. Catch and Release is encouraged. Although fish are caught year around, the best time of year is April through October.
The piers are open year around with the exception of the Cherry Grove Pier, 14th Avenue Pier and the Second Avenue Pier, which close during winter months. Hours of operation vary by season and pier. Fishing permits and rod rentals range from $10 - $29 per day. Rod rentals usually require a refundable deposit of $15 - $50 depending on the pier you choose. Group rates are not available.
All piers are accessible by motorcoach, but we suggest dropping your passengers off on the street and having them walk a short distance to the entrance. Parking lots may present a problem for turn around during busy times of the year. There is daily public transportation servicing Ocean Boulevard in Myrtle Beach, including the 14th Avenue Pier, Second Avenue Pier and Springmaid Pier. Check with your front desk for times and stops.
Reservations for pier fishing are not required. However, regardless of the number of fisherman in your group, we suggest you call the pier in advance. Let the pier know how many are coming and there are beginners in the group. The number of rods available for rental on any given day may be limited.
Remember to add to the fun by announcing a friendly fishing rodeo. Prizes for most caught, largest single fish and of course “the I didn’t catch a thing” award. Just in case you forget to bring some trophies, the piers all have gift shops where you can find some fun prizes.
The best web site to get you started is www.funbeaches.com/piers.html. You’ll find direct links to all pier web sites, telephone numbers, hours of operation and rates.
All your clients need to bring is their cameras. After all, we don’t want to hear any fish stories do we?

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